Direct Injection System

The direct injection system – often referred to as liquids module – must be capable of delivering the sample material into the inlet carrier gas stream (Ar or He) at controlled and repeatable rate. The carrier gas stream transfers the evaporated liquid sample into the oxidation zone where it is combusted in an oxygen rich atmosphere at approximately 1000+ ℃.

A syringe drive mechanism or liquid auto sampler controls the sample dispense speed of the microliter syringe, typically set at 1 μL/s. A constant introduction rate ensures a controlled sample combustion which prevents the formation of soot. The needle tip of the syringe should be introduced fully into the hottest part of the inlet area of the furnace.

Typical Applications:
• Liquid Hydrocarbons
• Aromatic Hydrocarbons
• Naphtha’s
• Fuels
• Chemicals
• Gas & LPG