Tag Archives: Nitrogen

Breaking Boundaries: The Race Against Forever Chemicals with XPREP C-IC’s Rapid AOF Analysis Revolution

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have a complex history, marked by their widespread use, benefits, and subsequent concerns leading to bans and regulations. In the 1940’s the first developments of PFAS components were made in various industrial and commercial applications due to their unique properties, including resistance to heat, water, and oil. Later in the […]

A comprehensive stability study on the Xplorer Total Sulfur/Total Nitrogen analyzers

Introduction: Trace Elemental analyzers An elemental combustion analyzer is able to measure the amount of Total Nitrogen, and Total Sulfur by means of high-temperature combustion (approximately 1000 ˚C) in an oxygen-rich environment. In Trace Elemental combustion elements can be detected from trace level (µg/kg/ ppb level) up to 10.000 ppm/ mg/L (1%) there where the […]

Introducing the Next-Gen Total Nitrogen and Sulfur analyzer!

xplorer-v vertical combustion analyzer nitrogen sulfur

Meet the Xplorer-V The Xplorer-V is a new fully automated Nitrogen and Sulfur analyzer that offers the most features out of the smallest footprint. Completely optimized for your hydrocarbon sample analysis: offering fast combined TN/TS analysis, top detection performances, smart operation features, data-driven robustness all in one single configuration. The analyzer produces accurate results rapidly […]